Anxious about Labour & Birth?

Take Back Control, Boost your Confidence, & Eliminate Anxiety

Through the use of mental health tools, hypnobirthing and mindfulness take back control of your birthing experience

How Will My Service Help You?

As well as teaching basic pillars of hypnobirthing, I help women to identify stressors in pregnancy and work on managing anxiety, as well as helping women to find their voice and learn how to advocate for themselves- not only in labour but in life!

My aim is to help women successfully ride the waves of labour and come away feeling empowered.

Knowing what to expect, what is normal, what we can ask for in labour really helps to give women a better experience- it’s the goal of every antenatal education program to be fair!

My goal with our sessions is to try to prevent you from having a stressful or traumatic birth and thus promote and improve perinatal mental health!

In labour, as in life, we can’t control the wave, but we can learn how to surf!

Not sure about it, why not book a FREE call where I will answer all your questions


How Much Does It Cost?

Not to worry, there are packages to suit all budgets.

Head over to the Services tab for more info and detail on what you can expect from my service.