Vaginal Birth After Caesarean (VBAC)

With the increasing incidence of Cesarean a lot of women are looking at VBAC’s for their next baby. If your here then perhaps you are one of those women. It is important to know that the the success rate is 75-90% so, if you are ready to reclaim your power and experience childbirth on your own terms, I’m here to help you do just that.

Are you considering a VBAC for you and your baby? Are you concerned that it ‘wont go the right way’ well let me tell you, you have an opportunity to embark on an incredible path of strength, courage and empowerment.

I understand that the idea of a VBAC can feel overwhelming. In some way you are venturing into new territory and that can feel scary.

When you work with me I will support you in feeling confident in your ability to do this. I will reduce anxiety around childbirth and prepare you for a vaginal delivery.*

We will work together to help you reclaim your power and say goodbye to lengthy recovery times and surgical procedures.

VBAC’s are not without consideration however I will help you feel in control to ask the questions and ensure you are getting the bet outcome for you & baby.

*VBACs will be assessed by your healthcare team and any risks associated with this will have to be considered.